Horror and Comedy will be the theme for this year’s Digital Drama Challenge 2023. The submission deadline has been set for 8th Nov, 12pm.
Horror and Comedy are both fun to work on, on its own but as a combined theme, it is not that easy. Production teams need to be careful not to venture too deep horror genre or it will be tough to inject a comedic punch line and vice versa. Whatever it is, we really look forward to see what these young minds have in store for us.
Latest Updates for DDC Competitors
19th Oct 2023
Submission Details
For information on the submission, watch the video below and download the pdf document. Click the green button right below to download the pdf copy of the submission details.
The link to the Registration Form is in the same document.
15th Oct 2023
Changes to Submission Date
There has been a large number of requests to extend the submission date due to difficulties some students faced due to scheduling issues. As such, the submission deadline has been extended to 8th Nov 2023, 12 pm! That is a good 3-week extension and we hope all students will put it to good use.
11 Sep 2023
As most CCAs have stand down till October, you may not have face to face access to speak to your instructors. Hence, the only way to speak to your instructors will be via Seesaw, look under ‘activities’, there will be a label with the heading
“Do you have any questions on the Digital Drama Challenge?”
Alternatively, you may send an email to ddc@thespianlab.sg, For identification purpose, do include the following information in your email ;
a. full name
b. name of school
c. name pf production team
We received a couple of requests to change the submission and e-event day to a later date due to the fact that some schools had other events in term 3.
If you need the dates pushed to a later slot, do drop us an email at ddc@thespianlab.sg before October 2023. We’d like to see the numbers before making this decision.